28 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

display video interval (specifying startTime and stopTime) with JavaFX Media Box

JavaFX Media Box Component is a prefabricated video player.

In order to play a specified interval of the given video, slightly modify original Main.fx code as follows:
package com.sun.javafx.mediabox;

import javafx.stage.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import com.sun.javafx.mediabox.MediaBox;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;

* @author baechul

var mediaUrl = //"file:/C:/hilaltarakci/WORKSTATION/workspace/WebClient/lost.avi";

var mediaTitle = "Lost Movie Sample";
var mediaDescription = "a sample scene from loast movie...";

var startTime = 404444;
var stopTime = 424444;

var theme = getFXArgString("theme", "paranara");
var mediaViewWidth = getFXArgInt("mediaViewWidth", 640);
var mediaViewHeight = getFXArgInt("mediaViewHeight", 360);

var mediaBox:MediaBox = MediaBox {

// set the current profile

// media and play variables
mediaTitle: mediaTitle
mediaDescription: mediaDescription
autoPlay: true // default: false
preserveRatio: true // default: true

// size and layout position
width: bind mediaBox.scene.width
//width: bind if({__PROFILE__} == "desktop") 640 else 1024;

height: bind mediaBox.scene.height
//height: bind if({__PROFILE__} == "desktop") 360 else 1024;
layoutX: 0;
layoutY: 0;

// view
themeStr: theme // default: "paranara"
mediaControlBarHeight: 25 // default: 25, possible values: 20~50
showMediaInfo: true // default: true

// function variables
onMouseClicked: function(me) {
mediaBox.setVideo(mediaUrl, mediaTitle, mediaDescription, startTime, stopTime);
/*mediaBox.mediaControlBar.mediaPlayer.startTime = Duration.valueOf(startTime);
mediaBox.mediaControlBar.mediaPlayer.stopTime = Duration.valueOf(stopTime);*/

onKeyPressed:function(e:KeyEvent):Void {
if ((e.code == KeyCode.VK_BACK_SPACE) or
(e.code == KeyCode.VK_Q) or
(e.code == KeyCode.VK_POWER))

Stage {
title: "MediaBox Player"
resizable: true

scene:Scene {
//width: getFXArgInt("mediaViewWidth", 640)
width: getWidth()
//height: getFXArgInt("mediaViewHeight", 360)
height: getHeight()
content: mediaBox


// helper functions

function getWidth(): Number {

if ({__PROFILE__} == "desktop")
return 640
return 1280

function getHeight(): Number {

if ({__PROFILE__} == "desktop")
return 360
return 720

function getFXArgString(arg:String, defaultValue:String): String {
var val = FX.getArgument(arg);
if (val == null) {
return defaultValue;
return val as String;

function getFXArgInt(arg:String, defaultValue:Integer): Integer {
var val = FX.getArgument(arg);
if (val == null) {
return defaultValue;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(val as String);
} catch (nfe: java.lang.NumberFormatException) {
return defaultValue;

and add the following method to the end of MediaBox.fx :

public function setVideo(url: String, title: String, description: String,
givenStartTime: Integer, givenStopTime: Integer) {
mediaSource = url;
mediaTitle = title;
mediaDescription = description;
mediaControlBar.mediaPlayer.startTime = Duration.valueOf(givenStartTime);
mediaControlBar.mediaPlayer.stopTime = Duration.valueOf(givenStopTime);

The application is going to play the video from the beginning at first. However, when you click on the video, the video will play the specified interval.

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